Top Bar

I used to have many separate blogs, but rather than repeat that exercise for Google to destroy again, I have added the blogs as separate pages here on the Top Bar. I will add past posts as I recover them from other sources, but will also add new posts as the occasion arises; so always check, there's bound to be something new.

Friday, 5 August 2011

Bright and Cheerful

No, I'm not, I lied...

I'm as despondent as ever.


I will put on a happy face. I had planned a post yesterday  but after the weather change Wednesday, I spent a terrible night in which I felt like death trying to warm up.

I survived yesterday on a heavy 'flu medication. I don't often get 'sick', but when I do it hits hard.

Today, the 'flu symptoms have largely gone, just a massive headache; that was probably due to caffeine deprivation yesterday as I was drinking hot tea all day.

So today is that time of the month. NO! NOT PMT, pay day... and there is a meeting involved, so there the day has gone.

I have been messing with other blogging platforms, Wordpress is a shit, the other I tried is more of a static site, not conducive to daily postings. So I have to look further.

I have to admit, the best blogger is Blogspot without a doubt. But, I don't trust them and their policies any longer; and will certainly never trust them again with the type of historic/biographical stuff that can never be replaced or rewritten in the same manner.

Still no word from them. So I fear it is all a lost cause.

Life is forward, and that is the direction I  will go...


In this case to Barra for the meeting.


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