Top Bar

I used to have many separate blogs, but rather than repeat that exercise for Google to destroy again, I have added the blogs as separate pages here on the Top Bar. I will add past posts as I recover them from other sources, but will also add new posts as the occasion arises; so always check, there's bound to be something new.

Friday 12 August 2011

I still wonder

Today, when I was searching Google for an image, I was presented with this message:

"Devido a uma queixa que recebemos de acordo com a lei americana Digital Millennium Copyright Act (Lei de Direitos Autorais do Milênio Digital), 1 resultado(s) foram removidos desta página. Para ler a queixa DMCA que causou a remoção, acesse"

Of course it's in Portuguese! Google is still too stupid to recognise that I want English pages even though I am in Brazil.

Roughly speaking it means:

Because of a complaint received according to the American Digital Millennium Copyrght Act One item was removed from this page. Read the link.

I did. (You can too, it's in English)

It appears that the host/provider, whatever, has to remove the offending material.

It looks suspiciously like the offending material was my account...

So any of the providers/hosts on the left can, if they receive a DMCA complaint, simply remove your account (read, offending material).

All of this confirms my more recent conclusions, that the internet is not forever, nor are blogs.

We are but puppets that dance and clack about the stage at a tug of the string, the whim of Big Brother.

So, I advise you all, BACK UP YOUR BLOGS and other accounts, because you have no control over their destiny.

Now, apart from that it is Friday.

Lovely day Friday, no work. I have been shopping. I bought a new battery charger and batteries, let's hope I have better luck with this brand.

My kitchen 'penknife'
I wandered around some shops... window shopping. I looked at clothes, kitchen stuff, my next purchase is a decent knife, steel and a boning knife.

Boning Knife
The Knife pictured above is my kitchen 'do all' because it does everything. The only knives you need apart are a vege paring knife for small stuff, a bread knife and a boning knife for fiddly bits. You see a good chef only needs three knives, my 'do all' serves from the BBQ to herbs, so the boning knife is a luxury.

I looked at pc bits and pieces, found a terabyte HD, R$270 (that's around $170US). It's the first one I have seen, so I don't know if that's expensive or not.

The fridge is defrosting, the fish has thawed, my ample girth tells me it is lunch time...

*Looks at clock*


Well, that's close.



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